Start with the overall pattern
Who rules the pattern?
Hemisphere placement.
Planets above horizon (public)
Planets below horizon (personal)
________________________________________________________________________________Describe the more personal planets
Sun (your center of being is?)
Mercury (you think like?)
Venus (you value what?)
________________________________________________________________________________Then the Moon (your unconscious being?)
________________________________________________________________________________Now get into the generational theme.
________________________________________________________________________________Next talk about the parents.
Jupiter (who gives?)
Saturn (who restricts?)
________________________________________________________________________________Last talk about what drives you.
Mars (what motivates?)
________________________________________________________________________________Now describe the aspects (interaction of planets).
(list closest orbs 1st, within 3 degrees).
Squares (what aggravates you?)
Trines (what helps you?)
Oppositions (where you need to find balance?)
Number of minor aspects (annoyances and opportunity?)
Now look to the houses for activity.
1st add the sign of that houses cusp (beginning line of the house). Next list your planets in their houses in order to find the most important life issues? (Don't fret if there are no birth planets in a house). If no planet resides, use the cusps sign.
1st house of self image/appearance
2nd house of material things
3rd house of connections
4th house of nurturing/home
5th house of entertainment/children
6th house of daily routine/work
7th house of relationships/balance
8th house of secrets/mystery
9th house of higher understanding
10th house of public/career
11th house of friends/organizations
12th house of escapism/intangibleAn empty house is eventually triggered by transits and progressions.